• 13 апреля 2015, понедельник
  • Москва, Хамовнический вал, 36


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I Love Supersport школа правильного спорта
3324 дня назад
с 19:30 13 апреля до 13:00 30 мая 2015
Хамовнический вал, 36

On Arpil 13 we begin a new challenge, new 7-week training program! At the end of in we will run 21,1 km in Luxebmourg or 21,1 km in Sochi, Russia!

Become a hero in 7 weeks!

At the I LOVE RUNNING school, we teach you how to run naturally — helping you to run more easily over longer distances! Over 2000 people can attest to how completing our seven-week program and overcoming the challenge of a half-marathon can transform your self-image and what you previously thought was possible. We have run in over 40 cities all around the world. Now let’s run together! 

Train in Moscow and meet like-minded people! 

Let’s run together!

Meet your team and super coach

Team coach — Martijn Kraaij.

Martijn Kraaij, 25 year old running coach from The Netherlands. Throughout his seven years of study to become a P.E. Teacher he had learned numerous things about the human anatomy and sports physiology. Combined with Martijn’s love for running and experiences as a trainer/coach of athletics makes him a true I LOVE RUNNING Coach! He is looking forward to (re-)move your limits! 

Train for 7 weeks

At I LOVE RUNNING, we firmly believe that running is a skill that must be acquired, on a par with learning how to drive a car. We will teach you how to run correctly, effectively, and safely! Under the direction of one of our responsive, professional coaches, even if starting completely from scratch you will soon be able to run long distances easily and without injury, all the while losing weight and improving your physical fitness. You will also acquire a key skill that all the best sportsmen possess: how to set ambitious goals for yourself and strive to achieve them.

I LOVE RUNNING training system consists of 4 important parts:

Technique: Running with a correct technique minimizes the risk of injury, increases your speed, and brings a whole range of benefits to your body and health.

Endurance: We provide a balanced training plan to increase your endurance, so that you can run at a comfortable speed for two hours or more!

Strength: The exercises that we utilize, develop your running technique and strengthen muscles throughout your body.

Recovery: We provide a series of exercises for recovery, nutritional recommendations, and the support of a sports doctor.

Reach the target on may 30 or may 31!

On the 13 of April begins the challenge for a new team: after just seven weeks of rigorous training with one of our amazing professional coaches you will complete your journey with a stunning climax in either Sochi, the home of the last Winter Olympic Games (May 31), or the beautiful city of Luxembourg on May 30.

You will surmount 21.1km to finish a half-marathon in the green colors of the I LOVE RUNNING team. You will be joined by fellow running enthusiasts, receive a well-earned medal, and experience an amazing high at the finish. A great way to get to know a new city!

The half-marathon in Luxembourg follows a stunning route: you will pass through the historic center of the city at night and finish with a massive disco party just after the finish line! By the way, we are going there for the third time and became an international training partner of this event.

The half-marathon in Sochi also has a scenic and beautiful route. Start and Finish are on the track of the famous Formula-1 race! A few thousand of athletes, palms, warm weather, mountains, famous Olympic objects and sea within easy reach!

Finally, if you just can’t leave Moscow at the end of May — no problem! For our graduates, we are now organizing our own race called LOVERUN right here in Moscow!

Feel like a hero!

Program cost: 13,500 rubles.


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